– AVS Video Editor 8.1.2 Full Version Cari software editing video yang berukuran kecil namun punya fitur yang hebat ? AVS Video Editor jawabannya sob. AVS Video Editor merupakan software editing video yang mungkin sobat sendiri baru kenal ya. Memang sih belum terlalu familiar, akan tetapi dengan AVS Video Editor ini sobat bisa dengan mudah melakukan editing video di komputer yang memiliki spesifikasi menengah kebawah. Buat yang baru belajar juga bisa banget pake aplikasi yang satu ini. Penasaran ? Berikut cuplikannya. Screenshoot : AVS Video Editor 8.1.2 Full Version
Minimum System Requirements : - Processor: AMD / Intel Core 2 Duo compatible at 3 GHz or higher
- RAM: 2 GB or higher
- Sound: Windows compatible sound card
- Display: 32-bit color depth
- CD recorder: for importing from CD
- DVD recorder: for importing from DVD and creating Video DVD
- Video capture device: required for capturing
- Windows Media Player 11 or higher for WMV video playback
- DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or later
- Administrative permissions for program installation and activation
- Internet connection to activate
Recommended System Requirements : - Processor: AMD / Intel Core 2 Quad compatible at 2.4 GHz or higher
- RAM: 3 GB or higher
- OS: Windows 10 | Windows 8.x | Windows 7 (Compatible)
- Video: Windows 10/Windows 8.x/Windows 7 compatible video card
- Sound: Windows 10/Windows 8.x/Windows 7 compatible sound card
Fitur : - Support almost all formats
- Professional editing feature films
- Possible storage formats and quality desirable
- Burn on CD or DVD with a possible execution on a variety of domestic players
- Making DVD movies
- Take advantage of the best quality
- Ability to convert to another format
- There are over 200 different subjects effects
- Supports a variety of portable audio and video systems
- Ability to Capture video from cameras or audio-video systems
Download: Panduan Instalasi : - Matikan antivirus dan internet terlebih dahulu.
- Install Video Editor nya sampai selesai dan Exit dulu apabila telah terbuka.
- Buka Folder Patch, Jalankan patchnya.
- Klik gambar Folder dan arahkan ke direktori instalasi seperti C:\Program Files (x86)\AVS4YOU\
- Secara otomatis akan terlist program AVS4YOU ( klik tanda panah berlawan scan/reload) dan Klik tombol Patch
- Enjoy!
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